Stanley McChrystal: Why Kamala Harris Has Won Me Over

As a retired four-star general in the United States Army and former commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan, Stanley McChrystal is not someone who is easily swayed by political figures. However, in a recent op-ed for The Atlantic, McChrystal expressed his support for Senator Kamala Harris as the Democratic vice presidential nominee, citing her intelligence, toughness, and ability to lead as reasons why she has won him over.

McChrystal, who has served under multiple administrations and has deep experience in military and national security matters, has a reputation for being a straight shooter and someone who values competence and effectiveness above all else. In his piece, he praised Harris for her experience as a prosecutor, her time in the Senate, and her performance during the Democratic primary debates, where he believes she stood out as a strong and capable leader.

One of the key reasons why McChrystal has thrown his support behind Harris is her ability to handle pressure and make tough decisions. As someone who has been in high-stakes situations himself, McChrystal understands the importance of having a leader who can remain calm under fire and make difficult choices when necessary. He believes that Harris possesses these qualities and has the potential to be a strong and effective vice president.

Furthermore, McChrystal admires Harris for her intelligence and ability to think critically about complex issues. He believes that she is someone who is willing to listen to experts, consider all sides of an argument, and make decisions based on facts and evidence. In a time when the country is facing numerous challenges, from the coronavirus pandemic to racial injustice to economic uncertainty, having a leader like Harris who is thoughtful and informed is crucial.

While McChrystal acknowledges that he may not agree with Harris on every issue, he believes that she is the right choice for vice president based on her qualifications and character. He appreciates her willingness to engage with different viewpoints and her commitment to finding solutions to the country’s most pressing problems.

In conclusion, Stanley McChrystal’s endorsement of Kamala Harris is significant not just because of his military background and expertise, but also because it reflects a growing recognition of Harris’s leadership abilities and potential. As the country gears up for the November election, McChrystal’s support for Harris is a reminder of the importance of selecting leaders who are capable, competent, and ready to tackle the challenges of the future.